Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Fast trick made Animation with Flash CS4

Adobe made the breakthrough in animation in the new Adobe Flash version. In few steps, you could have made the object moving. You no longer must do heterogeneous steps—starting from making the symbol, applied it manually to timeline, to arranged keyframes and tweens—coz all could be carried out with faster and easy. Adobe Flash CS4 gave facilities object-based animation. The animation movement that was wanted could be applied directly to the object without arrange keyframe in the menu timeline. Only click right to the object, chose Create Motion Tween, and the animation period will be made automatically. How to make it? PCplus will guide you to make animation of moving fireworks in a zigzag manner, from the small form then grew, only in several steps.
1. Running Flash professional CS4. Further, you could choose the document kind of flash that will be used. Here PCplus chose [Flash File (ActionScript 3,0)]. click [OK]. The area of the work will appear in the monitor screen.
2. The picture or the object that would you animated. You could insert the picture bitmap or the vector that was made in the other application. To put it, click [File] > [Import] > [Import to Library…]. Search and chose picture file that will be put, then the click [Open] > [OK]. The picture will enter the window tab “LIBRARY” available in the right side panel.
3. Here PCplus made animation of fireworks that will appear moved from small became big. Click-drag the picture you choice from the “LYBRARY” panel to the area of the work. Because of moving from the small form, the object of the picture was reduced with [Free Transform Tool] available in toolbox the right side. Position the picture in the location of the area of the work that was desired.
4. Click-right in frame first in the panel “Timeline”, then chose the option [Create Motion Tween]. An amount frame in timeline will be added by the red colour to indicate was made as animation. Further, moved the position of the picture to the other location, that became the point of the movement of end animation.
5. Between the first location and location of the end of the picture will be connected with the green line. You could make animation “small became big”. Finally, you could enlarge with (once more) help [Free Transform Tool].
6. Click [Selection Tool] in toolbox or pressed the switch [V] in keyboard. The animation movement was not compulsary have the shape of the straight line or diagonal. You could make him random buckle with help of animation curve. Click in some frame between frame first and last.
7. Click-Drag pointer in one of the points in the green line, connector between the pictures first location and the last frame, until forming buckled curve. Eventually, the movement of the object will take part in buckling followed the connecting channel between the first and last location that was made form the curve.
8. Apart from buckling, the picture also moved from the small form then grew. And you too could increase the arch to the other blank available in the green line. The method is, click in frame first, then click-drag the dots in the green line. In here, the animation linei was made similar the zigzag route.
9. The animation duration then could be extended with click-drag slider red in “Timeline” to the right. Further, tried kept the animation in the form of the animated video with click[File] > [Export] > [Export Movie…]. Named file in the Export Movie box and save it. If being kept in the SWF format, tried turned file with Flash Player help.

Source: PCplus

Video Game Improves Eye Sight

Gamers did not receive only entertainment. According to the researchers in the United States, their sight could also improve. These researchers claimed that the person that liked played game had nuances of the action experienced the increase in the eyes capacity. One of his benefits was to exacerbate the sight during driving in the midnight. "We found that video game action also trained the brain to process visual information with more efficient," explained Daphne Bavelier from Unversity of Rochester that flowed this research. In the study, the team of the researcher divided 22 students into 2 groups. The first group played game the action of Call of Duty 2 and Unreal Tournament 2004. The second group played The Sims 2, game that it was said did not need the co-ordination between the hands and the too big eyes. After playing him in the certain period, the volunteer who played the video game the action showed the increase of 43 percent in the capacity to distinguish the contrast. If being trained intensively, the researchers believe in that gamer be fond of the game of his sensitivity action towards the contrast was 58 percent better.

This as being quoted from Reuters

Insert Picture in Text

Often, one or more the object of the picture was enclosed as the illustration in document. In standard condition, the picture that was put into the document will form the part individually so separated from the text. If you put the picture which is not so big, then left many empty areas. The empty area could be filled up with the text. You could use facilities wrapping to arrange the layout of the picture so that the position of the picture is more exact and good looking.

This instruction as follows:

1. Open Microsoft Word.

2. Clique [File] > [Open] opened document file that will be united with the picture.

3. Input picture that will be processed by clicking tab [Insert] afterwards click switch [Picture] in Illustrations box.

4. Choose the picture that you wanted (Insert).

5. After the picture entered the document, you could enlarge or reduce this picture accordance with ur wish.

6. Now, click this picture then click [Text Wrapping] in the box [Arrange] in tab [Format].

Source: PCplus

Protect Microsoft Word Application with Password

When your computer was used by many people, you must protect the application that might not be used by everyone. There was the simple method so that the other person could not use the Word application in any way. We could make an application when someone wanted to use their Microsoft Word must insert password. This method like this:
1. Open ur Microsoft Word application, afterward chose tab [View].
2. To the tape beneath it, the clique of the switch [Macros].
3. After emerging the window “Macros”, the contents “Macro name” by the name of “AutoNew”. Must be paid attention to, the macro name must be kept by the name of “AutoNew”.
4. The clique [Create] to begin made macro.
5. Further, will emerge the window of Microsoft Visual Basic the editor. To this window, type the script below this.
Pass = InputBox (Put ur password) If pass = the "secret of" Then End Else" MsgBox (Ur password is wrong. )
Active Document.
End If

To the script above, you could replace “secret” with password with what u want. Save ur macro and then closed the Microsoft Word application. Now, to make shortcut for Microsoft Word by clicking right mouse in desktop and chose the menu [New] > [Shortcut].
The contents “Type the location of the item” with "C:-Program Files-Microsoft Office-Office12-WINWORD.EXE"/n, afterwards the clique [Next].
Fill with “Type a name for this Shortcut” by the name of “Microsoft Office Word 2007”. Removed shortcut available in the menu start, afterwards moved shortcut to the Start menu, replaced original shortcutl. After that closed the Microsoft application word. From now on when someone wanted to use Microsoft Word and to make new document, emerged the box that ask for password.

Source: PCplus

gBilling A Free Software Warnet (Internet cafe) Billing System

This is free software warnet (internet cafe) billing system for Indonesia. This is free, u may distribute and modify it, so u may participate in developing this program.
Click here to download it

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Freeware Games

U may download a bunch of games in here ex:
  • Sonic Games 1.0
  • Gunbound 6.06
  • Little Fighter 2
  • Golden Warrior 2.0 etc.

Or u may download it from here:

  • Bejeweled 2
  • Scrabble
  • Dinner Dash - Hometown Hero
  • Sudoko quest
  • Monopoly
  • Cake Mania
  • Feeding Frenzy 2 etc.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Billing Software Freeware

Billing for Internet Cafe a bunch of billing software freeware

or u may download from Cybera
Cybera is an Internet cafe administration system. It works with prepaid cards or client accounts or in a post paid Self Service mode. Features include workstation control, user rights lockdown, accounting, stats and screen replication for CAI.
or another option u may download from

Cafe Con Leche
It is developed on Linux, but it is supposed to work everywhere SQLite and Glib, and OpenSSL works. I have only tested it on Microsoft Windows (98 and XP) and on Linux.

Zen Cafe

This Zencafe version utilizes the new Zenwalk distro and kernel Mainly design to use for Internet Cafe desktop, Zencafe polished in many ways and easy enough to operated, even for no technical background user. Included autorecovery and internet cafe management software, Zencafe is the best and the first Linux solution that suitable for your internet cafe.

What’s new?

  • USB plug and play notification
  • Compiz support (you must activated before use it)
  • Webcam module included
  • All new aplication version (at least at this distro packaged)
simplifies the way users launch and interact with programs making it an ideal solution for introducing a Linux box to newcomers. The Kiosk Mode Desktop, which can be administered remotely, completely replaces the standard Linux/Windows desktop with a much more controlled but intuitive environment that looks the same across all platforms.

Super Anti Spyware

SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition is 100% Free and will detect and remove thousands of Spyware, Adware, Malware, Trojans, KeyLoggers, Dialers, Hi-Jackers, and Worms. SUPERAntiSpyware features many unique and powerful technologies and removes spyware threats that other applications fail to remove. SUPERAntiSpyware is the most thorough AntiSpyware scanner on the market, it will remove ALL the Spyware, NOT just the easy ones!
Free for *personal* use only, requires MANUAL updating.

Super Antispyware

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Auto Recover

1. Running Microsoft Word, after wards click menu [File] > [Word Options... ].
2. In dialogue options, click menu [Save].
3. Marked check box [Save AutoRecover information every].
4. On the box before minutes, fill up with number that interpreted how many minutes this document will automatically be kept.
5. Aiming the file recover by defining his address in the part AutoRecover file location.
6. In addition, click check box [Always create back up copy] in the Save part in the menu [Advanced].
7. If done, click [OK] to close window Options.

Now, your document will automatically be kept in accordance with setting that you made.

Source: PCplus

Made a new template

1. For the new or available document, you could determine personally the kind style, the text, format margin, the page and other that was wanted for this document.
2. After being finished kept this document as template with clicking the menu [File] > [Save As…] > [Word Template].
3. Give the name file this by the name of any, then confirmed in the part “Save the USA type” was filled up with Word template.
4. To maintain compatibility template with the Microsoft Office generation beforehand, you could give check sign in front of the option [Maintain compatibility with Office 97-2003].
5. Pressed [Save] to keep your document.

Source: PCplus

Buy Microsoft Software by installments

Microsoft made the new interesting strategy for his customers in Indonesia. With the program named Microsoft Customer Assistance, user could buy software that could be paid by installments. This staged payment was done through the counterpart Microsoft. His aim is easiest pay for customer to buy the package of software with payment in stages. Moreover, the program that was shortened by MCAP this also promised the service of Software Asset Management (Sam) and the discount as far as 20 percent of the company belonging to Bill Gates. Lucas Tjahjaprawira, Director Small Medium Solutions &; the Partner Microsoft Indonesia said, distribution of legal software in Indonesia has a big potential towards national economy. At first again the software industry that was the creative industry contributed approximately 6,5 percent to the Gross Domestic Product (PDB) while 4 years were endless.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Welcome...free software here...

I'm starting with my new account for today, coz i don't remember with my earlier account. I've tried about 6 times to log in but still can't continue. I'll try to provide all my free software links in here....
1. Daemon Tools, for all u guys who like to play games http://www.daemon-tools.cc/downloads

2. Automatically clean XP and Vista, The various Windows 'temp' file folders, programs that auto-load at start-up, excess Windows registry keys, and uninstall entries are good places to start. Additionally, internet cache and temporary files, unused program references, shortcuts, and Windows shell extensions can be cleaned to prevent conflicts and file system corruption.

3.For all you guys who want to download from youtube http://youtubedownload.altervista.org/download.htm

4. A new web browser for windows
Google chrome

5. Super converter,
SUPER © "The Player" surpasses any known player by supporting just
any Multimedia file format. SUPER © plays files that cannot be played with
WMP or even other libavcodec-based players like MPC and VLC.
SUPER © also plays and saves Internet Media Streams of different
protocols ( mms:// rtsp:// http://)

SUPER © "The Encoder" is the fastest and simplest tool to encode full
length movies to any other format without any time or function limitation.

NO trial or evaluation version of SUPER © but one unique
Free to download and Free to use fully working version.

SUPER © does NOT require any additional external codec to
be installed, absolutely nothing. Necessary codecs are built in!

Ok, just go to the bottom of this page

Super converter

6. AVG free anti virus

7. Kaspersky anti virus, free trial

8.Spyware doctor, free download good for remove hijacker

Yup,that's all for now...i'll update later to you guys...