Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Fast trick made Animation with Flash CS4

Adobe made the breakthrough in animation in the new Adobe Flash version. In few steps, you could have made the object moving. You no longer must do heterogeneous steps—starting from making the symbol, applied it manually to timeline, to arranged keyframes and tweens—coz all could be carried out with faster and easy. Adobe Flash CS4 gave facilities object-based animation. The animation movement that was wanted could be applied directly to the object without arrange keyframe in the menu timeline. Only click right to the object, chose Create Motion Tween, and the animation period will be made automatically. How to make it? PCplus will guide you to make animation of moving fireworks in a zigzag manner, from the small form then grew, only in several steps.
1. Running Flash professional CS4. Further, you could choose the document kind of flash that will be used. Here PCplus chose [Flash File (ActionScript 3,0)]. click [OK]. The area of the work will appear in the monitor screen.
2. The picture or the object that would you animated. You could insert the picture bitmap or the vector that was made in the other application. To put it, click [File] > [Import] > [Import to Library…]. Search and chose picture file that will be put, then the click [Open] > [OK]. The picture will enter the window tab “LIBRARY” available in the right side panel.
3. Here PCplus made animation of fireworks that will appear moved from small became big. Click-drag the picture you choice from the “LYBRARY” panel to the area of the work. Because of moving from the small form, the object of the picture was reduced with [Free Transform Tool] available in toolbox the right side. Position the picture in the location of the area of the work that was desired.
4. Click-right in frame first in the panel “Timeline”, then chose the option [Create Motion Tween]. An amount frame in timeline will be added by the red colour to indicate was made as animation. Further, moved the position of the picture to the other location, that became the point of the movement of end animation.
5. Between the first location and location of the end of the picture will be connected with the green line. You could make animation “small became big”. Finally, you could enlarge with (once more) help [Free Transform Tool].
6. Click [Selection Tool] in toolbox or pressed the switch [V] in keyboard. The animation movement was not compulsary have the shape of the straight line or diagonal. You could make him random buckle with help of animation curve. Click in some frame between frame first and last.
7. Click-Drag pointer in one of the points in the green line, connector between the pictures first location and the last frame, until forming buckled curve. Eventually, the movement of the object will take part in buckling followed the connecting channel between the first and last location that was made form the curve.
8. Apart from buckling, the picture also moved from the small form then grew. And you too could increase the arch to the other blank available in the green line. The method is, click in frame first, then click-drag the dots in the green line. In here, the animation linei was made similar the zigzag route.
9. The animation duration then could be extended with click-drag slider red in “Timeline” to the right. Further, tried kept the animation in the form of the animated video with click[File] > [Export] > [Export Movie…]. Named file in the Export Movie box and save it. If being kept in the SWF format, tried turned file with Flash Player help.

Source: PCplus

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